Initial and Subsequent Musculoskeletal Consultations
Single region:
2 regions:
3 regions:
Women's Health Physiotherapy Consultations
Initial Consultation
Subsequent Consultation
Post Partum Check
Initial and Subsequent Consultations
All conditions:
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
~90 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
In-clinic Classes
Low | Moderate - High Intensity
50 minutes
Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
You will be pre-booked into classes for the number of passes purchased
- this guarantees your spot in the chosen classes
Class Passes:
Based on your individual private health fund physio class rebate, we will calculate your total rebate applicable for the pass purchased
- this total rebate amount will be deducted from the upfront gap payment for the pass -
At each class attended, please bring your private health fund card to be swiped through HICAPS to have the rebate paid
Should your physiotherapy rebate allowance reach its yearly limit, it will be your responsibility to pay the remaining pass amount in full
10-Class Pass:
25-Class Pass:
Subscription options available for 25, 50, 100 and unlimited class passes
- monthly; fortnightly; or weekly direct debit frequency
Private Health Fund Rebates
On-the-spot Private Health Fund rebates are available through our HICAPS terminal
Please check with your Private Health Fund to determine whether or not you have Extras that include Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology, and their associated rebate limit
If you are unhappy with the rebate paid by your Private Health Fund, please ask our team for a referral for a free health fund comparison
Gap payments can be paid via Cash, Card, Cheque or Direct Deposit
Immediate payment at the conclusion of appointments is appreciated, unless agreed upon prior
For those eligible to receive funding for treatment under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Scheme:
Medicare will pay a rebate for up to 5 allied health services in a calendar year
Should Medicare refuse to pay for treatment, any outstanding invoices will be the patient's responsibility for payment
At Body Plus Health, there is a gap charged for all consultations under the CDM sceme.
The patient will be responsible for paying for the full consultation fee upfront and Medicare will reimburse the $56.00 rebate back into your account.
For those who have a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Health Card:
DVA are billed directly and will pay for the treatment provided
For those receiving treatment through a ReturnToWork SA or Compulsory Third Party Insurance claim:
Your insurance company is billed directly and will pay for the treatment provided
Should your insurer refuse to pay for treatment, outstanding invoices will be the patient's responsibility for payment